Become a Team Sponsor!

Our sponsorship packages are a great way for the Randle Royals dance team to partner with our business community. Thank you for making a tax deductible donation in support of our efforts!


Sponsorship Packages


 – A Quarter-Page advertisement in our end of the year Spring Show program (must submit artwork by deadline)

 – Company/Family Name on a dance contest t-shirt

 – Reserved seats at Winter Show (4 seats)

 – Reserved seats at Spring Show (4 seats)

 – Logo and link to your business (if applicable) on our website

 – Social media recognition on dance team social media pages

 – Sponsor recognition in booster meetings

 – Randle Royals car decal and/or team photo

**Did you know? $1000 buys a team set of competition t-shirts or covers travel for one dancer!**



 – Company/Family Name on a dance contest t-shirt

 – Reserved seats at Winter Show (2 seats)

 – Reserved seats at Spring Show (2 seats)

 – Logo and link to your business (if applicable) on our website

 – Social media recognition on dance team social media pages

 – Sponsor recognition in booster meetings

 – Randle Royals car decal and/or team photo

**Did you know? $500 buys props for contest season!**



 – Company/Family Name on a dance contest t-shirt

 – Logo and link to your business (if applicable) on our website

 – Social media recognition on dance team social media pages

 – Sponsor recognition in booster meetings

 – Randle Royals car decal and/or team photo

**Did you know? $250 buys 3 costumes or covers 1 team meal for contest season!**



 – Logo and link to your business (if applicable) on our website

 – Social media recognition on dance team social media pages

 – Sponsor recognition in booster meetings

 – Randle Royals car decal and/or team photo

**Did you know? $100 buys costume embellishments for contest season!**



 – Social media recognition on dance team social media pages

 – Randle Royals car decal and/or team photo

**Did you know? $50 buys 1 banquet meal for a Royal Dancer at the Spring Banquet!**



Sponsorship Form